As a WABi Build Partner, your business becomes a partner within our National Builder Network, delivering a leading global accommodation solution in simpler, smarter and stronger housing. You have access to 30+ years of experience and an internal planning, design and engineering team to support you and your business with the sales process and efficient delivery of our product.
You will be trained, educated and supported by us to maximise sales opportunities and build efficiency.
WABi, was founded by Karl Plunkett, a developer who established the multi award winning building company, Australian Eco Constructions in 1996. Karl designed the WABi System, which is a pre-fabricated, flat-packed housing system comprised of pre-manufactured components. The system promotes scalable and adaptable design by interconnecting pre-built bathpods and room extensions via our patented sum of parts, delivered to the site for rapid assembly.
At ground level, the WABi System uses our innovative and patented Eco Anchor footing, which removes the need for concrete and bulk earthworks – across most sites, except rock. Living spaces are created from a single, standardised module that can be fitted out to create a unique look suited to each individual client. Our range of roof designs and external façade options, blend the structure seamlessly into its natural surroundings, or make a bold architectural statement.
We’re looking for Builders to partner with us to deliver our solution. If this sounds like something you or your business would be interested in, complete the details below, SUBMIT and we will be in touch with you.