WABi System: Remote Community Housing
Location: Laynhapuy,Northern Territory
Design: Bespoke WABi 13.6m x 7.4m
Status: Completed, awaiting imagery
WABi has an ongoing commitment to find solutions to remote building. This commitment, hand-in-hand with our engagement with First Nations people, led us to collaborate with Laynhapuy Aboriginal Corporation of The Yirrkala Community in Northern Territory. We designed and manufactured 3 bespoke WABi’s that included 2 bedrooms, large alfresco areas, living and kitchen zones, a custom bathroom and store. The 3 homes at 13.6m x 7.4m were engineered to Wind Region C and the harsh climatic conditions of the Australian outback.
The 3 homes were built by an external builder taking approximately 4 months… this is an incredible 5 weeks per home, in remote Australia.