
WABi has curated a process to assist you every step of the way. With over 30 years in the industry, our knowledge can help you to find the best solution for each project.

Our Process

  • progress icon Project Scoping and Quote Development
  • progress icon Initial Design
  • progress icon Planning Application and Approval
  • progress icon Energy and BAL Assessment
  • progress icon Specifications
  • progress icon Building Permit
  • progress icon Fabrication
  • progress icon Expédition
  • progress icon Installation


Working days

Project Scoping and Quote Development

Welcome to your WABi journey. Here, we initiate discussions to explore your ideas, budget, site parameters, and design requirements. This crucial step allows us to determine the best approach for executing your unique project. At this stage, we can also provide high-level costings.


Working days

Initial Design

Commençons à transformer votre vision du design en réalité ! Nous disposons de plusieurs plans d'étage et d'une variété de styles et de tailles parmi lesquels choisir. Une fois que vous aurez choisi un modèle qui répond à vos besoins, nous collaborerons pour étudier les ajouts ou les modifications à apporter.



Planning Application and Approval

If your project already has Council/ Development Planning, this stage will be skipped. Whether you engage WABi Design or an external architect or planner, every WABi project requires planning approval as it is considered a permanent structure.



Energy and BAL Assessment

WABi Design collaborates with external consultants to ensure that your project meets the necessary energy efficiency standards and bush fire ratings.


Working days


This is where you can put your personal touch on your WABi unit. Choose your external cladding, features, decking, trims, and all the final details.


Working days

Building Permit

We provide you with all the necessary working drawings for building approval. If you engage WABi Design, we manage this entire process for you.




Once we have received a 50% deposit, we will proceed with final engineering and manufacturing drawings. Our Freight & Logistics team will keep you updated via emails and phone calls throughout this process.




When manufacturing of your flat pack unit is complete, we arrange shipping. Please note, remote areas may experience longer delivery times due to limited accessibility.




Once all your flat pack parts have been delivered to the site, installation can commence. The majority of WABi projects are supply-only or owner-builder, requiring clients to coordinate with local trades for completion. Our installations roughly take a third of the time a traditional build takes. This varies on the amount of skilled labour available.

The above timeline is based on a typical WABi project. Actual timelines may vary depending on project complexity, local regulations, and other factors. Please contact us for a personalised project assessment and timeline estimation.

Get in touch

Give our friendly sales team a call or simply fill in the enquiry form below to let us know how we can assist you!

Eco cabins